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March 2015

정연두, 프랑스 크레테유 ‘페스티발 Exit’ 그룹전 참가

The Birds – B Camera (Left), 2013, Diptych photography, 106 x 106 cm, 106 x 179 cm 
Courtesy of Artist

전시작가: 정연두 (Yeondoo Jung b.1969)
전시제목: 페스티벌 Exit, 홈 시네마 Home cinéma [Festival Exit]
전시기간: 2015.03.26 – 2015.04.05
전시장소: Maison des arts et de la culture, 크레테유, 프랑스
정연두는 프랑스 파리 근교에 위치한 크레테유의 예술과 문화의 집 (Maison des arts et de la culture)에서 열리는 그룹전에 참여한다. 이번 전시는영상 축제 (Festival Exit)의 “Home cinéma“ 주제로 현대기술의 발전으로 제작자와 소비자의 경계가 모호해진 미디어 아트 및 영화의 매체적 역할에 대해 다룬다. 정연두는 이 전시의 유일한 한국 작가로서 그의 주요작품 “Drive in Theatre”을 비롯, 신작인 “Playtime-B Camera”를 선보인다.

Yeondoo Jung is participating in the group exhibition “Home cinema [Festival Exit]” in Maison des arts et de la culture, Creteil, France. This exhibition explores how the evolution of technology has made the boundaries between producers and spectators ambiguous and the role of media art and film today. As a sole Korean artist, Yeondoo Jung presents Drive in Theatre as well as his latest work Playtime-B Camera.