October 2019
Park Chan-kyong, Subject of Solo Exhibition MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2019: Park Chan-kyong - Gathering, at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
Exhibition Dates: Oct 26, 2019 - Feb 23, 2020
Exhibition Venue: National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul (국립현대미술관 서울관)
Park Chan-kyong, selected as the artist of the MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2019, is the subject of a solo exhibition titled MMCA Hyundai Motor Series 2019: Park Chan-kyong - Gathering at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (hereafter MMCA), from October 26, 2019. The MMCA Hyundai Motor Series, hosted by the MMCA and sponsored by the Hyundai Motor Company, is a decade-long art project that organizes annual exhibitions of established Korean artists since its launch in 2014. Park Chan-kyong is the sixth artist to have been selected for the series, following the exhibitions of Lee Bul (2014), Ahn Kyuchul (2015), Kimsooja (2016), IM Heung-soon (2017), and CHOIJEONGHWA (2018). Park’s work examines the Korean society, framing the rapid socioeconomic development of the past century while chronicling the often reckless pursuit of Western modernization and economic growth, through subjects including mythology, traditional religions, and the Cold War. For this exhibition, Park questions and critically examines the history and significance of conventionalized westernization of art institutions in Korea and the rest of East Asia.
In this exhibition, Park presents eight new works including the highlight piece Belated Bosal, along with one existing work. Incorporating a ‘frame structure’ that both metaphorically and architecturally manifests itself throughout the exhibition, this exhibition prompts the audience to reexamine art history and art institutions through an unfamiliar perspective. The viewer first encounters Small Museum of Art (2019) which includes photographic reproductions of selected artworks rearranged in an unconventional manner, questioning whether the underlying criteria of the conventional museum setting is a contrived framework implanted in the ways in which we view institutions. Belated Bosal (2019) is a 55-minute film which combines the story of the Buddha’s nirvana with the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, critically examining the potential of an art-language that can be put into practice amidst our society in the aftermath of disasters. Gallery 5 (2019) is a 1/25 miniature model of Gallery 5 in the MMCA Seoul (where Park’s show is held). The model encourages audiences to survey the entirety of the exhibition space and thus reflect on the act of viewing the exhibition. The Water Mark (2019), an installation of 16 cement panels sprawled out on the floor, will serve as the gathering place for lectures and conversations by experts on pertinent subjects that construct the show.. This exhibition, which gestures a gathering where elements of a single show come together to create discussions on art, will remain on view through February 23, 2020.
대표작 <늦게 온 보살>을 비롯한 8점의 신작과 구작 1점으로 구성된 이번 전시는 ‘액자 구조’를 통해 미술사와 미술관을 새로운 시각으로 바라보도록 한다. 전시장에서 관객들을 가장 먼저 반기며 ‘액자’ 안으로 끌어들이는 <작은 미술관>(2019)은 작가가 선택한 다양한 작품(사진)과 관련된 이미지들이 작가의 해석에 따라 다소 엉뚱하게 배치한 작업으로, 우리에게 익숙한 미술관이 인위적으로 주입된 틀이 아닌지에 대한 문제의식을 제기한다. ‘석가모니의 열반’이라는 종교적 사건과 동시대 재난인 ‘후쿠시마 원전 사고’를 하나의 담론으로 엮어 낸 55분짜리 영상 <늦게 온 보살>(2019)은 재난 이후 우리 사회에서 미술 언어가 가질 수 있는 가능성을 비판적으로 성찰한다. 또한 실제 전시실의 1:25 배율 축소모형으로 만든 <5전시실>(2019)은 관객들을 다시 액자 밖으로 끌어내 관객들로 하여금 전시장 전체를 조망하게 하고, 전시를 관람하는 행위를 새롭게 바라보게 한다. 한편 전시실 중앙에 넓게 펼쳐진 <해인(海印)>(2019)에서는 5주간 전시 주제와 관련된 각 분야 전문가들을 초빙하여 강연과 토론이 진행될 예정이다. 전시가 곧 미술에 관한 대화를 나누는 ‘모임’이 되는 이번 전시는 오는 2020년 2월 23일까지 계속된다.
[Source from the MMCA press release and website]